The afternoon my Little E was just having so much fun on his changing pad, he was talking and making wet noises, so i obviously had to take some shots! We had an accident on his cloth cover that covers the pad, yesterday... hince it missing.
Over the weekend, my sister was over and i had to use her to take some shots in front of this grungy "metal only" dumpster! lol We honestly spent a total of 5 minutes taking some shots on our way back home. I love how they give a totally different "urban" feel to the overall look!
Funny Girls is right! They kept each other laughing the whole time. I am surprised we got any "no smile" poses because the other one usually made the other laugh! I had a great time with them and they had me even laughing! Here is a Sneak Peek of the Two Seniors, Paige and Sara from yesterday! Literally a sneak peek! There are tons of great pics and I had to take a quick break from editing to post some so they could see! There are more to come!! Keep an eye out!
We started off at Paige's house and then went to Sara's Grandma's house, and then on to my favorite spot, the train tracks! Most of these up right now are from the tracks.
Katie has a Baby Bump! She looks great to be 7.5 months pregnant and having TWINS!!! And they are both GIRLS!!! They are going to have their hands full! Little Miss "M" was a doll and loved running around in the hott pink tutu... Here is a sample of the day!
See what I mean? She is adorable!!! We had some visitors at the park, Ducks! They sorta followed us everywhere, but maybe because Colby was feeding them cookies!
I Love Photography, and sharing my talent with others is what i enjoy! I love working on site and using natural light. Capturing one's natural lifestyle or photographing while you interact is what i love most! While I am still new to the business, i am keeping busy, and not only with my 7 month old! Be sure and Check out my website!
Tell me what you think about my work. Leave a sweet comment or two!
-Sarah e. Evans